Smart Rest Racken Rest


The Racken Rest is a gun rest designed to hold a rifle on a window sill unassisted even while driving the vehicle. The Racken Rest eliminates the need for a shooter to continuously remove and reset a rifle every time he/she needs to take a shot. The mount has a swiveling capability for lateral and vertical movement. The tension controlled vertical and horizontal swiveling action has a range unmatched by any other rest ever developed for the doors of an SUV vehicle. The arms are also telescopically adjustable for height and length.


Uses of the Racken Rest:

  • Shooting from a vehicle

Advantages of the Racken Rest:

  1. Shooting accurately from vehicle: Less energy used to eradicate pests
  2. Speed and accuracy: Eliminating the need to remove and replace the rifle while driving makes it extremely fast to get a shot off when needed
  3. Easy mounting technique makes it fast to mount and remove
  4. Enhanced shooting positions: A shooter can easily shoot ambidextrous because of the great support provided by the design
  5. Consistent Accuracy and easy to use left handed
  6. Reduced or no recoil: The rest takes the impact of the rifle
  7. Silent adjustability will not give away your position while setting up your shot
  8. Fast and smooth elevation adjustments are done while keeping sight on the acquired target
  9. The structure being made predominantly of steel is heavy duty


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